Friday, June 22, 2012

Mickey Mouse Peed On A House

This is stupid, but it is bugging the hell out of me.  The kids still play the Mickey Mouse elimination rhyme.  Except every time it devolves into a grammar argument.  Here we go:

 Mickey Mouse peed on a house.  What color was it?

The boy and I say it is about the color of the pee, which obviously limits your color choice options.  The Man and the girl-child say it is about the color of the house.

So, which is it?  Pee or House?  Argh!  Who thinks of these stupid rhymes anyway?


  1. It's the pee for sure, but my dilemma is this. I have a group of friends who say the rhyme as this, "Mickey mouse peed on a house. What color was his pee." Which I don't think that is correct, help.

  2. as a kid we said it as 'mickey mouse, peed on a house, what color was his blood?' idk
