Friday, June 22, 2012

Me and Betty

"The man you marry will know the way he likes his eggs.  And chances are he'll be fussy about them.  So it behooves a good wife to know how to make an egg behave in six basic ways."  - Betty Crocker Cookbook, page 205, 1969 edition.

I like to bake and I'm pretty good at it.  I'm no Bellwether Vance (unless you haven't read Bell, then I am EXACTLY like her, without the southern charm), but I do ok.  I have my grandmother's orange 1969 edition of the Betty Crocker Cookbook, complete with my, then teenaged, aunts' handwritten notes of "delicious" and "beautiful, but extremely rich".  It also includes multiple clippings taped inside to ensure a faultless meringue (obviously an issue), and my own addition, a lovely circular burn imprint on the back where I laid it on the stove for "just one second".  This book has fantastic recipes with truly helpful information of all types, as well as unintentional hilarity such as the above quote.  I don't know about you, but the only eggs I intend to make behave are the ones that have become my teenagers.

Apparently we have a force within our garage that is interested in the contents of the freezer.  Recently, said force gave the contents a thorough look-see.  However, said force either has no upper body strength or lacks the knowledge to shut the freezer door.  An open freezer door all night makes things...less frozen.  After throwing out the boring stuff , I find two thawed pie crusts and some thawed cranberries.  This is where Betty comes in, 'cause it's pie time!

This pie is simple and tastes great.  Everyone likes it, even the ones who tell you they don't like cranberries.  Plus, you can use it when you get those chain emails that want you to send a recipe off the top of your head.

Fresh Apple-Cranberry Pie*

2 pie crusts
3 medium tart apples, pared and sliced (I like Granny Smith)
2 cups fresh or frozen cranberries
1/3 cup flour
1-1/2 cups sugar
2 tablespoons butter

Preheat oven to 425 degrees
Peel and slice apples
Stir together flour and sugar

Layer apples, cranberries and flour/sugar mixture in crust, beginning and ending with apples
(Use a liberal hand with the flour/sugar mixture)
Cut pats of butter over the top
Place second pie crust on top, crimp and vent.
Place strip of aluminum foil around the edge, so the edges don't get too done.

Bake for 40 - 50 minutes until crust is golden and filling is bubbling.  Remove aluminum strip about 15 minutes before you take the pie out of the oven.

Here is an alternate cranberry recipe, just in case you aren't a pie person.

Cranberry and Vodka**

3 oz. Grey Goose Vodka
9 oz. Cranberry Juice
Stir together in tall glass half filled with ice
Garnish with lime if you like
(No freezer required)

Do not doubt the Power of Betty.  We make a great team.

*source: Betty Crocker Cookbook, 1969 edition
**source: my best guesses according to my preferences

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